Programming 1: How to start in .NET

Sljedeće izvedbe

Stupanj:For IT professionals
Predavatelji:Toni Njirić
Kategorija brenda:Microsoft .NET Framework
Trajanje (dana):3
Tip učenja:Preko interneta
Cijena:750€ + PDV

This is an introduction course in series of courses in which you will learn programming in .NET. The course is intended to participants which has none or very little knowledge about programming. 

  • Introduction
    • What is a programming language
    • Different programming languages
    • Different kinds of applications
    • Developer IDE and tools
  • Basics of programming
    • Algorithms
    • Data-flow diagram
    • Pseudocode
  • Basics of .NET
    • Program structure
    • Variables and types
    • Program flow
    • Conditions
    • Repetitions
    • Functions
  • My first program “Hello world”
    • Quick start with IDE
    • IntelliSense
    • Debugging
    • First interaction with program
  • Arrays
    • One dimensional arrays
    • Strings and string operations
    • Arrays and functions
    • Multidimensional arrays
  • My first game
    • Concept
    • Let’s build it
    • Introduction
    • Structure
    • Why XHTML?

The course is technical, because of this it is expected that participants are capable of typing and have a general knowledge about computers and programs.

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9. prosinac 2024. - 11. prosinac 2024.

  • Cijena: 750€ + PDV
Pokaži raspored
  • Izvođači: Toni Njirić
  • 09.12.2024., 08:00-12:00
    Online classroom
  • 10.12.2024., 08:00-12:00
    Online classroom
  • 11.12.2024., 08:00-12:00
    Online classroom

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