MySQL Essentials

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Stupanj:For IT professionals
Kategorija brenda:MySQL
Trajanje (dana):4
Tip učenja:U učionici ili preko interneta
Cijena:650€ + PDV

In a business world today an operation without a database is simply unthinkable. All companies have a need for systematic operations tracking using modern IT systems, which almos always are using some kind of a database. Knowledge about the most popular open source database, MySQL, is some of the highest expectations from a developer of both desktop applications, dynamic websites or services of all kinds.

One of the great advantages of MySQL is reflected in the fact that there are versions ready for all major (and most of minor) operating systems, and it is fully GPL licensed. And above of it all, MySQL is a very powerful database management, capable of working in a clusters and serving for the worlds most demanding projects in the World. With MySQL's unique flexibility and power features - you can't go wrong.



You willl acquire knowledge and skills needed to install and configure MySQL. Then you will learn all the essentials of using the MySQL in the most optimal way, how to avoid common mistakes and how to get best of what a modern RDBMS can offer. Learn how to install and use phpMyAdmin - open source tool for administrating MySQL database, learn the basic rules for data security and backups.

Target audience

Education is intended for IT professionals who want to gain basic knowledge about the world's most popular open source database.

  • Using the MySQL Client Program
  • Writing MySQL-Based Programs
  • Selecting Data from Tables
  • Table Management
  • Working with Strings
  • Working with Dates and Times
  • Sorting Query Results
  • Generating Summaries
  • Obtaining and Using Metadata
  • Importing and Exporting Data
  • Generating and Using Sequences
  • Using Multiple Tables
  • Statistical Techniques
  • Handling Duplicates
  • Performing Transactions
  • Using Stored Routines and Triggers
  • Using MySQL-Based Web Session Management
  • Bernard Toplak
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