HA150: SQL and SQL Script Basics for SAP HANA

Sljedeće izvedbe

Stupanj:For IT professionals
Kategorija brenda:SAP ERP
Trajanje (dana):2
Tip učenja:U učionici
Cijena:2.190€ + PDV

In this course you can learn the basics of SAP HANA SQL or refresh your SQL knowledge, as well as the basics of SQL Script to create user- defined functions and database procedures in SAP HANA.


* The price includes lunch, snacks and beverages.
* Prices are free of VAT.
* No parking is included in the price.
* Education is not included in the NLT membership fee.


This course will prepare you to:

  • use basic and some advanced SQL techniques for querying and manipulating data in an SAP HANA database
  • develop user-defined functions and database procedures using SQL Script


  • Application Consultant
  • Database Administrator
  • Developer
  • Developer Consultant
  • Technology Consultant

Course based on software release

  • The course is conducted on the latest available version. Check the version at registration if you need precise information.


SQL and the relational database model

Reading data from a table or view

  • Calculated Columns and Functions
  • CASE expressions
  • Duplicate Elimination
  • Sorting and limiting result sets
  • The WHERE clause
  • Aggregating and grouping data

Reading data from multiple tables or views: Unions, Joins and Sub Queries

Understanding NULL values

Changing data stored in tables

Defining how data is stored using SQL

Creating user-defined functions and database procedures using SQL

  • SQL Script basics
  • Scalar user-defined functions
  • Table user-defined functions
  • Database procedures

Defining data access using SQL


  • This course has been designed for consultants with no to little prior knowledge of SQL and for consultants who only used the very basic form of the SQL SELECT statement so far.


  • n/a


  • n/a

Tilesh Maharaj
Cyber Security Evangelist. Ethical Hacker. ECC Council.
Platinum Consultant in SAP Technology,
Platinum SAP Trainer

Na engleskom Online Termin nije potvrđen

22. siječanj 2025. - 23. siječanj 2025.

  • Cijena: 2.190€ + PDV
Pokaži raspored
  • 22.01.2025., 09:00-17:00
    Online classroom
  • 23.01.2025., 09:00-17:00
    Online classroom

Za više informacija kontaktirajte nas na telefonski broj: 01 4878 999 i na info@housing.hr.