HR050 Business Processes in SAP ERP HCM

Sljedeće izvedbe

Stupanj:For IT professionals
Kategorija brenda:SAP ERP
Trajanje (dana):5
Tip učenja:U učionici
Cijena:2.810€ + PDV

This course provides detailed examples of typical HR business processes and how they integrate with other applications. It is essential learning for all future configuration training.

Please note that the course index above pertains to the Global course, which is a 5 day course. 


* The price includes lunch, snacks and beverages.
* Prices are free of VAT.
* No parking is included in the price.
* Education is not included in the NLT membership fee.


  • You will gain an understanding of SAP ERP Human Capital Management functionality and be able to outline the major functional areas.
  • You will be able to explain HCM Structures including Personnel and Organizational as well as HCM Business Processes.
  • At the end of this course, you will be able to explain HCM processes and the integration within HCM and other solutions. At the end of the course, participants will understand HCM functionality and the integration available.
  • You will gain this knowledge through lecture, demonstrations and the completion of exercises.



  • Application Consultant
  • Business Analyst
  • Business Process Owner / Team Lead / Power User
  • Data Consultant / Manager
  • Help Desk / COE Support




  • None



  • SAP129 - Navigation


Course based on software release

  • SAP ERP HCM 6.07



  1. HCM Basics
  • System Navigation
  • Using Tools


  1. Structures in HCM
  • Analyzing HCM Structures
  • Enhancing the Organizational Structure
  • Using the Organizational Staffing interface (PPOME)
  • Organizational Reporting


  1. Personnel Administration
  • Analyzing Enterprise and Personnel Structures
  • Maintaining Employee Information
  • Processing Personnel Actions


  1. Time Management
  • Outlining Time Management Concepts
  • Recording Time Data
  • Evaluating Time Data
  • Using CATS (Cross Application Time Sheet)


  1. Payroll Management
  • Outlining the Payroll Process
  • Processing a Payroll


  1. Success Factors Integration
  • Understanding SF and SAP ECC integration


  1. Analytics
  • Analyzing HCM Reporting Capabilities
  • Processing Standard Reports
  • Processing Ad hoc Query


CPE Credits

024 Credits

Please note CPE credits are available only for publicly scheduled courses delivered at SAP locations. CPE credits are not available for virtual classroom deliveries or customer specific deliveries.




SAP129 - Navigation


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